NIB in Estonia

NIB has been operating in Estonia since 1994, providing over EUR 1.9 billion in financing to more than 190 projects in the country.

Estonia joined NIB in 2005 with the other Baltic countries. Some of NIB’s latest financed projects in the country include adding sun and wind to the regional grids with Enefit Green, modernising wastewater and stormwater infrastructure in Tallinn as well as ensuring better healthcare services in Ida-Viru Central Hospital.

Start of operations: 1994

Projects financed: over 190

Amount financed: over EUR 1.9 billion

In recent years, NIB has mostly financed public sector projects in Estonia. The Bank has provided financing for multiple public sector projects in the country, especially supporting healthcare and infrastructure projects. Additionally, NIB has financed Estonian renewable energy generation projects.

Looking ahead, NIB aims to continue to support the green transition, bolster digital transformation infrastructure, and increase cooperation with privately owned companies to enhance the productivity and competitiveness of Estonia.

Authorised capital

Member country
Authorised capital
Country’s share
Total 8,368,844,474.11€100.0%
* Credit ratings by Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s as of 31 May 2024

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Contact us

Kersti Talving

Country Lead for Estonia
+358 10 618 0245

Vytautas Brazaitis

Senior Communications Officer
+358 10 618 0235

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NIB in Lithuania

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NIB in Norway

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NIB in Sweden

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What we finance

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How it works

See what the eligibility criteria are and what both your company and NIB can do to make this financing journey a success.

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