
16 Sep 2016

NIB finances new passenger trains for central Sweden

NIB and Swedish AB Transitio have signed a 20-year loan agreement of SEK 695 million (EUR 73 million) for financing the acquisition of 33 new passenger trains in central Sweden.

The new double-decker trains will be used in regional traffic in the region of Mälardalen, central Sweden. The project is estimated at SEK 3.5 billion in 2016–2022.

The region’s population accounts for a third of the country’s population and is growing continuously. Hence, the demand for public transport is likely to increase steadily in the coming decades.

To meet this demand, the region’s public transport authorities and the regional passenger railway traffic operator, Mälardalstrafik AB, made a decision to acquire 33 trains to be used on four different railway lines in Mälardalen.

The trains will be acquired by and rented out via AB Transitio. The supplier is Swiss Stadler. The trains will be delivered starting from 2019. Transitio’s framework agreement facilitates the possible acquisition of more trains for the extension of traffic to other railway lines.

The investment programme will allow the number of departures to increase by 30% and the number of passenger seats by 3,000.

“A larger regional traffic capacity will help increase the mobility of labour and stimulate further cohesion in the region. We hope that the loan from NIB will have a positive impact on the country’s overall competitiveness”, says Henrik Normann, NIB President & CEO.

Founded in 1999, AB Transitio is a private limited liability company owned by all public transport authorities in Sweden except for Gotland. The company coordinates the procurement and financing of rolling stock for public transport authorities.

NIB is an international financial institution owned by eight member countries: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden. The Bank finances private and public projects in and outside the member countries. NIB has the highest possible credit rating, AAA/Aaa, with the leading rating agencies Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s.

For further information, please contact
Mr Tore Emanuelsson, Senior Manager Origination, at +358 10 618 0244, mixIt(‘to’,’re.emanuelsson’,’’,’t’,”,’1522318210156-0′);tore.emanuelsson (at)

Ms Lisa-Maria Altenberger, Communications Officer, at +358 10 618 0234, mixIt(‘lisa-maria.alten’,’berger’,’’,”,”,’1522318210156-1′);lisa-maria.altenberger (at)

Related resources

15 Sep 2016

AB Transitio

EUR 72.8 million