Visit from the Nordic Council and the European Parliament's Delegation for Northern cooperation and for relations with Switzerland, Iceland, and Norway (DEEA). Photo: Marjo Koivumäki
22 Feb 2022
Nordic Council and European Parliament visit NIB and Nefco
On Tuesday 22 February, NIB and Nefco hosted a Nordic Council delegation and the European Parliament’s Delegation for Northern cooperation and for relations with Switzerland, Iceland, and Norway (DEEA).
Jukka Ahonen, Head of Communications, greeted the delegations welcome and gave a short introduction to NIB and its origins. André Küüsvek, NIB President and CEO, presented NIB’s revised strategy, and Luca de Lorenzo, Head of Sustainability, described the Bank’s approach to sustainability.
Afterwards, Mikael Reims, Nefco Vice President Origination, presented Nefco and its strategy.
The Nordic Council and the European Parliament are in the process of agreeing on formal interparliamentary relations. The Finnish Presidency of the Nordic Council has therefore invited members of the two parliaments to Helsinki for official meetings during 21-22 February 2022.