13 Dec 2013
NIB to finance upgrade of Lahti hospital
NIB and the city of Lahti have signed an 18-year loan agreement, totalling EUR 30 million, for the renovation and upgrade of the Lahti regional hospital in southern Finland.
The loan will finance the city’s investment programme aimed at the improvement of the hospital’s productivity. The project includes the construction of a new hospital building and the refurbishment and upgrade of several hospital buildings located within the Lahti hospital area.
“As in most of other developed economies, Finnish society is rapidly ageing, and the increase of labour productivity is key to keeping up the quality level of the healthcare system,” says Henrik Normann, NIB President & CEO.
The improvements in hospital operations are expected in collaboration between treatment units and the faster transfer of elderly patients to rehabilitation and managed treatment at home. The project will, therefore, reduce the costs related to the ageing population, which is one of the main challenges for public finances in Finland in the coming decades.
NIB is an international financial institution owned by eight member countries: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden. The Bank finances private and public projects in and outside the member countries. NIB has the highest possible credit rating, AAA/Aaa, with the leading rating agencies Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s.
For further information, please contact
Ms Tarja Kylänpää, Senior Director, Head of Infrastructure, Transportation & Telecom Group, at +358 10 618 0237,
tarja.kylanpaa<!–MIXMAIL–><!–MIXMAIL–>  (at) <!–MIXMAIL–>nib.in<!–MIXMAIL–>t
Mr Dimitrijs Alehins, Senior Communications Specialist, at +358 10 618 0296,
dimitrij<!–MIXMAIL–>s.alehins<!–MIXMAIL–>  (at) <!–MIXMAIL–>n<!–MIXMAIL–>ib.int