
19 Sep 2017

NIB finances new school and sport facilities in Knivsta, Sweden

The new primary school in Vrå, Knivsta. Image: Municipality of Knivsta.

NIB and the municipality of Knivsta have signed a ten-year loan facility of SEK 350 million (EUR 37 million) to finance the construction of school buildings and sport centres.

The loan facility will cover investments in five different sub-projects: a preschool, an elementary school and a sports facility in Vrå, in the northern part of the municipality, as well as a preschool in Kölängen and a sports and cultural centre.

The demand for primary school enrolment in Knivsta is expected to increase by 30-40% until 2030. The new schools and adjacent sports centres will provide up to 960 students with modern teaching and leisure services and support instructors in implementing the new national core curriculum.

“The return on investment in primary childhood education is substantial. The new facilities will support a better physical learning environment and allow for the municipality to accommodate the demands of a fast-growing population,” says Henrik Normann, NIB President & CEO.

The new buildings will be constructed in accordance with the international Passive House Institute Standard. Their primary energy demands will be met from solar energy and geothermal wells. The buildings are designed to be well-insulated and will use heat exchangers to prevent heat loss via the ventilation system.

“We are proud to be acknowledged by NIB in this context. We see it as recognition of the environmental work we are doing, with special regard to our activities in the passive house construction sector. Also, it is a big advantage that this environmental work has contributed to a better loan deal for us”, says Hans-Petter Rognes, CEO at Kommunfastigheter i Knivsta AB.

The municipality of Knivsta has around 17,500 inhabitants and is located in the centre of the Stockholm-Uppsala growth region. Knivsta is currently one of the fastest growing municipalities in Sweden.

NIB is an international financial institution owned by eight member countries: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden. The Bank finances private and public projects in and outside the member countries. NIB has the highest possible credit rating, AAA/Aaa, with the leading rating agencies Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s.

For further information, please contact

Nordic Investment Bank

Mr Tore Emanuelsson, Senior Manager, Origination, at +358 10 618 0244, mixIt(‘tore’,’.emanuelsson’,’’,”,”,’1522233550198-0′);tore.emanuelsson (at)

Ms Lisa-Maria Altenberger, Communications Unit, at +358 10 618 0234, mixIt(‘lisa-maria.altenberger’,”,’’,’t’,”,’1522233550198-1′);lisa-maria.altenberger (at)

Municipality of Knivsta

Hans-Petter Rognes, CEO of Kommunfastigheter I Knivsta AB, at +46 18 347 116, mixIt(‘h’,’ans-petter.rognes’,’knivsta.s’,’e’,”,’1522233550198-2′);hans-petter.rognes (at)

Related resources

18 Sep 2017

Municipality of Knivsta

EUR 36.73 million



Active planning for passive houses in Knivsta