Multilateral. Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO)

Date of agreement:31 Aug 2023
Customer:Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO)
Amount in EUR:EUR 25 million
Maturity:9 years
NACE sector / loan type:Loan programme


The loan has been provided to co-finance on-lending to the green transition of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Nordic region to support the growth of green SMEs.

The loan programme is dedicated to sectors that meet the EU taxonomy eligibility criteria, contributing to sustainable economic growth in the Nordic region.

Fulfilment of NIB's mandate


The loan will enable Nefco to finance SMEs in the Nordic countries that have the potential for scaling up in international markets. The loan programme is designed to support SMEs in achieving their growth potential. This financing is expected to contribute to sustainable economic development in the Nordic region.


The loan programme is dedicated to on-lending to member country SMEs that operate in EU taxonomy eligible sectors. The programme aims to promote sustainable economic growth in the region by financing a wide range of environmentally sustainable activities. By promoting these environmentally sustainable activities, Nefco is helping to reduce the carbon footprint of the Nordic countries while also contributing to long-term economic growth.

Sustainability summary

NIB has not identified any significant environmental issues connected to the loan.

Press release

NIB and Nefco finance green SME growth