Lithuania. Litgrid AB
Date of agreement: | 06 Aug 2014 |
Country: | Lithuania |
Customer: | Litgrid AB |
Amount in EUR: | EUR 50 million |
Maturity: | 10 years |
NACE sector / loan type: | Electricity, gas, steam and hot water supply |
The loan has been provided for the construction of a high-voltage overhead electricity transmission line between Lithuania and Poland – the LitPol Link.
The 163-kilometre line between the towns of Elk in Poland and Alytus in Lithuania will connect the electricity infrastructures of the two countries for the first time. By integrating two systems, the transmission line will allow electricity link between the Baltic countries and Western Europe.
The interconnection scheme will involve two substations in both countries and a high-voltage, direct-current, back-to-back converter station in Alytus. This will make it possible to transmit power between the two countries despite the different voltages in their electricity transmission systems.
Litgrid AB is the Lithuanian electricity transmission system operator, implementing the project together with its Polish counterpart PSE.
The 500 MW capacity line is expected to be completed by the end of 2015.
Fulfilment of NIB's mandate
The LitPol Link will allow the Lithuanian electricity infrastructure to connect to the Western European electricity system for the first time. This will help to diversify electricity supply and increase supply reliability, thus increasing the competitiveness of the Baltic region.
Sustainability summary
This is a project with a potentially extensive environmental and/or social impact (category A, read more)
A 400 kV transmission line could have a significant negative impact on bird habitats and on bird and bat populations of threatened species unless carefully planned and constructed. The cable can prove deadly to birds due to collisions under certain conditions.
The alignment of the transmission line was decided taking into consideration economic factors and various environmental factors like Natura 2000 areas, protected bird habitats, forests, wetlands and creeks. The final alignment was elaborated with the help of ornithologists and biologists and was sent out to major international and national environmental NGOs in Poland for consideration. In the final alignment all Natura 2000 areas are avoided.