Estonia. Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla

Date of agreement:22 Jun 2022
Customer:Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla
Amount in EUR:EUR 15 million
Maturity:12 years
NACE sector / loan type:Health care sector

This loan contributes to climate change mitigation: 44%

Financing from NIB Environmental Bond proceeds

NEB-eligible share: 44%

NEB category: Energy efficiency

Amount disbursed: EUR 4.4 million

This project has been financed with the proceeds of NEBs issued under the previous framework

Note: For loans in other currencies than EUR, the equivalent in EUR is based on the exchange rate effective for the disbursement. Read more about the NIB Environmental Bonds


The loan has been granted to finance the upgrade of the emergency medical centre (EMC) and the renovation of Magdalena Outpatient Clinic at the East Tallinn Centre Hospital (Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla, ITK).

The EMC project includes the renovation of the radiology centre and the construction of a new block. The renovation of the radiology unit is essential to ensure continued operations at the hospital and meet the requirements for healthcare and the storage of radiological waste. The extended premises and new equipment will speed up the handling of emergency patients, reducing waiting times and thus increasing the readiness to treat more patients.

The renovation of the Magdalena Outpatient Clinic’s D-building will make it possible to consolidate the primary healthcare and supportive services providers under one roof, improving the availability of services. Moreover, the refurbishment of will increase the energy efficiency as well as improve the accessibility and service quality at the hospital.

The construction work at the EMC was completed in June, and the centre will be opened to patients in July. The renovation of the Magdalena D-building has started recently and will be finalized in 2023.

The East Tallinn Centre Hospital is one of the largest hospitals in Estonia, consisting of seven clinics and serving around 26,000 inpatient treatments as well as 500,000 outpatient visits last year. The hospital employs about 2,500 people.

Fulfilment of NIB's mandate


Like most of the countries in the region, Estonia is facing challenges related to ageing, therefore the quality of healthcare infrastructure will be vitally important in the decades to come. The East Tallinn Centre Hospital is one of the country’s largest healthcare providers and an important part of the public service infrastructure.

The projects will substantially improve the quality of services at the hospital through more functional space, new equipment as well as a better environment for patients and medical staff. The handling of the patients will become more efficient, making it possible to reduce waiting times and increase the availability of treatments.

Moreover, increasing energy efficiency at the Magdalena Outpatient Clinic will result in financial savings.


The renovation of the Magdalena Outpatient Clinic’s D-building includes a new façade and roof insulation, new windows, technical systems for heating and ventilation, as well as a connection to the city’s district heating system that will allow to shut down the currently used on-site gas fired heating plant.

The project will decrease energy use and thus reduce heating costs. After the renovation, the thermal energy demand at the Magdalena Outpatient Clinic building is expected to decrease by 60%, i.e., from 1,176 MWh/a to 459 MWh/a. In addition, shifting to a different heating solution will decrease primary energy use and GHG emissions.

According to the available data for EU Taxonomy alignment, the Substantial Contribution (SC) criteria are fully aligned, and the Do No Significant Harm (DNSH) criteria are partially aligned for the for Magdalena Outpatient Clinic project.

The new EMC premises will comply with the national legislation on energy efficiency. However, the planned reconstruction works are not estimated to provide substantial energy efficiency gains.

Sustainability summary

Necessary permits for the construction and renovation of the buildings have been granted and no environmental concerns have been identified.

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NIB finances better healthcare services in Tallinn

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