Norway. Gudbrandsdal Energi Holding AS

Date of agreement:28 May 2024
Customer:Gudbrandsdal Energi Holding AS
Amount in NOK:NOK 125 million
Amount in EUR:EUR 10.7 million
Maturity:7 years
NACE sector / loan type:Post and telecommunications, A/B loan


The loan has been provided for the developing two optical fibre broadband projects in the sparsely populated region of Ringebu, Nord and Sor Fron.

The project NKOM 2 consists of fibre roll-out to 840 addresses, mostly permanent dwellings.

The project HFC2fiber consists of a roll-out to 5,300 clients, of which 3,500 already have coax connection.

The projects are scheduled to be ready by mid-2024, planning for additional future network rollouts.

Gudbrandsdal Energi Holding AS, owned by the municipalities of Øyer, Ringebu, Sør-Fron, and Nord-Fron, owns Gudbrandsdal Energi Fiber AS, a subsidiary that constructs and leases out broadband networks.

Fulfilment of NIB's mandate

The new digital infrastructure will expand coverage, connectivity, speed and reliability in accordance with the national Norwegian strategy of widespread broad band access meaning providing all households with access opportunity until 2025.

Sustainability summary

No environmental concerns identified.

Press release

NIB finances fibre optic broadband investments in Norway

Press release

NIB låner til fiberoptisk bredbåndinvestering i Ringebu, Nord- og Sør-Fron