Denmark. Falck A/S

Date of agreement:03 Sep 2024
Customer:Falck A/S
Amount in DKK:DKK 300 million
Amount in EUR:EUR 40.2 million
Maturity:7 years
NACE sector / loan type:Health care sector


The loan has been provided for Falck A/S to finance their digitalisation efforts in 2024-2026.  

Falck is focusing on digitalisation as part of its “Care for More ‘27” strategy. The company will invest in modernizing and consolidating its existing IT systems, as well as developing new digital solutions to improve operational efficiency and enhance the delivery of healthcare services. 

Falck A/S, founded in Denmark in 1906, is a leading international healthcare provider with more than 25,000 employees operating in 26 countries with strongholds in Scandinavia, Germany, Spain, Poland, as well as Colombia in Latin America and California in the US. The company provides healthcare services ranging from prevention to treatment and rehabilitation. 

Fulfilment of NIB's mandate

Falck’s digitalisation investments in 2024-2026 aim to modernise and consolidate its IT platforms across their subsidiaries. The project will also introduce new digital solutions to improve operational efficiency and enhance the delivery of healthcare and emergency services at Falck.  

Demand for healthcare services is increasing, and most regions are experiencing shortages in the supply of healthcare professionals. Effective digitalisation in private healthcare may bring broader societal gains as it improves, among other things, the allocation of human resources in the sector. This will also reduce the load on public healthcare systems and furthermore support sustainability and public health. 

Sustainability summary

No significant negative environmental or social impacts have been identified in relation to the project.

Press release

NIB and Falck A/S sign loan to strengthen healthcare digitalisation 

Press release

NIB og Falck A/S underskriver låneaftale for at styrke digitaliseringen af sundhedsløsninger