Sweden. AstaZero AB
Date of agreement: | 08 Nov 2016 |
Country: | Sweden |
Customer: | AstaZero AB |
Amount in SEK: | SEK 260 million |
Amount in EUR: | EUR 26.2 million |
Maturity: | 12 years |
NACE sector / loan type: | Supporting and auxiliary transport activities |
The loan has been provided for financing the construction of the AstaZero vehicle testing track in Borås, western Sweden.
The site comprises a 5.7-kilometre rural road line, a city area with buildings and streets, a multi-lane road and a track for high-speed testing. Operations began in 2014.
AstaZero’s testing environment is open to vehicle manufacturers, suppliers, regulators, road authorities, universities and technical institutes for product development and research in the field of advanced traffic safety solutions. Focus areas are active safety, loss prevention solutions, and the development of intelligent vehicles and traffic systems.
AstaZero AB is owned by the state-owned SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut and the Chalmers University of Technology Foundation via its subsidiary Chalmers University of Technology Ltd. AstaZero is supported by AB Volvo, the Volvo Car Corporation, Autoliv, Scania, The Swedish Transport Administration, Region Västra Götaland, Borås Stad, Vinnova, Tillväxtverket and Test Site Sweden.
Fulfilment of NIB's mandate
The AstaZero test site is the world’s largest open-access environment designated to testing active safety systems and automated driving solutions aimed at preventing accidents. The test site provides a platform to industry and academia for the development of the most significant technologies in the automotive industry in the coming years. The test site is strategically located in the centre of the West Sweden automotive cluster and has access to the expertise that exists within the field of road safety.
The research conducted at the AstaZero test site is expected to contribute to lower traffic incidents rates and support the development of more energy-efficient transport, such as electrified roads and environmental road trains. These innovations are assessed to lead to lower fuel use and thereby to lower emissions.
Sustainability summary
The project installations are assessed to have low potential for significant negative environmental impact.