Report project related non-compliance

NIB has established a process to ensure accountability of NIB through a review of its activities.

Individuals or organisations who believe to have suffered, or are likely to suffer, harm by NIB’s non-compliance with its Sustainability Policy or the disclosure requirements under its Public Information Policy in connection with a NIB financed activity can report these concerns as established in the Project Accountability Policy.

A compliance review is conducted by ICO to determine whether NIB complied or not with its own policies, and, if as a result of a non-compliance, harm was caused, or is likely to be caused, to the individual or organisation.

More information about the eligibility and handling of these reports can be found the Project Accountability Policy.

Reports can made in English or in the Nordic and Baltic languages to the Chief Compliance Officer by email, post, phone or in person. The below form can be used to assist in reporting.

[DK], [EST], [FI], [IS], [LT], [LV], [NO], [SE]

Contact information




+358 10 618 0696

Postal address:

Integrity & Compliance Office
Nordic Investment Bank
Fabianinkatu 34
P.O. Box 249
FI-00171 Helsinki
The envelope shall be marked as “Confidential”.